Friday, November 21, 2008

I can't believe it's been so long...

Has it reall been 10 days since the last post?? DOes that mean that Omaha is that uneventful...or could it be that we are getting busier here?? Either way - here's what we've been up to lately...

Last weekend, Ellie went to a birthday party for Maia, the little girl that lives behind us. I call Ellie and Maia the "2 best friends that never spend any time together..." They both act as if they are long lost buddies whenever they see each other (which has been like twice, for a grand total of 20 minutes...) Anyways, the party was at "My Gym" -- Ellie loved it -- two hours of organized running around and playing on equipment. Not a lot of party "hoop-la" either -- they paused at one point to eat a cupcake, but otherwise -- it was constant motion. At the end of the day, I don't know if Ellie really had fun at the "party" or just the "gym" - but either way, it was a success! She was so excited to tell us all about it... and then it happened...she crashed... absolutely broke down...sobbing...inconsolable. Frank was being especially patient (I didn't get it at all -- what the hell? She just got back from a party...what is she so upset about??). Frank explained that she inherited this genetic malfunction from fact, when he was a kid, he also came home from almost every birthday party and completely melted down... Are you serious?" This is going to happen after every party?? Aw, geez... It was bizarre, but at least Frank knows where she's coming from!

Ellie is still loving preschool. We are doing some "friend work" there...yes, Ellie is by far our best social connection to Omaha, so far! There is a little girl in her class (also 4 years old) who has a little brother (also 2 1/2 years old) and they also have one more on the way (due one month after me) -- perfect, right? So, a couple of weeks ago, Ellie came home with a note explaining that someone in her class had a mom who was put on bed rest due to pregnancy complications (guess who?) and she needed help carpooling to and from school -- I was all over it -- ME! ME! Pick me! (Totally not my usual self... sad, right? I wouldn't normally be the first to volunteer to help out a's a character flaw, I'm working on it!) Long story short, we've been acting as "chauffeur" for the last week -- Ellie gets a big kick out of it -- this girl is extremely shy and quiet and so it's pretty much the "ellie and nathan show" the whole way to and from school, but whatever... We'll have to call them and see if we're still "on duty" after we get back from chicago after thanksgiving... or if we've been replaced by other friends... :)

Well, I'm going to keep packing! Looking forward to our big trip to the "big city!"
More when we get home -

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Miranda belongs to My Gym and loves the gym class and parties there.