Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Inspection on 1776

Not much to report, lately. Our buyers had the inspection done on this place a week ago yesterday. they finally came back today with a list of stuff for us to fix. (funny thing is, a lot of the things on their list are the same things that we asked to have fixed when we bought this place 3 years ago.) The list was actually not as ridiculous as it could have been coming from these people. I'm not saying that we'll fix everything on the list, but I don't think we should lose the deal because they're unreasonable...

Frank has been home this week (he flies out tomorrow morning) -- I feel like I've been on vacation! Sleeping in until 5:15 and only having to get one kid dressed in the morning and one kid ready for bed at night, not doing the drop-offs or pick-ups - what a nice break! It's times like these that I look forward to being in Omaha -- well, OK, not really being in Omaha, but at least all being in the same town!

More news later, I'm sure...

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