Friday, September 26, 2008

Oh, Baby!

Most of you already know this, but for those of you who are in contact with us by "blog only" #3 is on the way! I guess no one will need Dr. Phil to break this one down for them...After going back and forth for like a year whether or not this would be a good thing, we got to Omaha - finally had our whole family in one place after one heck of a long year and it just sort of seemed like the right thing. Consider the built in "leave of absence" for me, and the timing couldn't have been better. We are excited -- well, Ellie is the most excited -- never mind the fact that she only refers to the baby as a "she"... we'll see what we can do about that! Due the first week of April, officially, but with the "luxury" of the planned c-section, we're pretty much advertising "the end of March." (And if they would do it in February, that would be even better!)

Everything is going well so far -- except that there are NO doctor's offices in Omaha that are open in the evenings or weekends (none that are affiliated with our hospital and insurance, anyways...) That has made scheduling appointments a little tricky - we've been trying to make them all for "lunchtime" - Frank comes and meets us in the parking lot at the doctor's office, takes the kids to lunch, and meets me back at the office...a great plan in theory, but when you're dealing with any doctor's office, you never know the kind of hold-ups you'll run into...even on a perfect day, he's away from work for over an hour. I guess he's the "boss" so it's all good. It's worked out OK, so far (don't know HOW we'll handle the 3-hour glucose test when I no doubt flunk the first one again -- maybe Frank can just take the whole day off!).

So, the upstairs bedroom that we had set up as an office (and had painted a nice shade of taupe) has since been painted a nice baby shade of yellow (it's called "cuddle" -- awwwwww) I know - who the heck paints a baby's room when you're only in the first trimester? But, as frank asked me "well, how superstitious are you? I mean, I'd rather just paint it again while the tape is all still up and the furniture is still in the middle of the room..." Solid plan -- and see? Now we're out of the first trimester, so it all worked out for now...

Had an appointment yesterday - everything is good. Baby is already measuring almost a week larger than its due date, so at least we know it's really our kid :) We'll really be sure when the head continues to measure large and the rest of the body levels off -- :)

Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...


Great news!

Michelle said...

Congratulations we are going to have to make it over there to visit eventually.