Friday, September 12, 2008

The week in review

Not too much to report this week, but I thought I should update...

Ellie continues to go to preschool -- the first two days were "shy" days, as she put it. She would get in the car at pick-up time and say, "I have so much to say right now, because I've been so shy and quiet all morning at school -- I didn't talk at school -- and now I just have to talk a lot!" She comes by it honestly - exactly what I was like in school as a kid! (And Frank says she's gotten a "double dose" of it... he had a little bit of it himself...) Anyhoo, day three was "magic" as Ellie puts it -- she talked to her teachers and to the other kids and even took to comforting the ones who were still "crying and wanting their moms" -- She even made amends with one little girl ( that's an Omaha name, huh?) that she alienated while she was being "shy" on the first day... so all is well at the Education Station! And for our Friday treat, we (again) met Frank for lunch -- at McDonald's this week -- it's just such a nice way to break up the day (and the kids are always in the mood for McNuggets...) Maybe we can make this a Friday ritual (and work in a subway or a panera once in a while...)

Nathan is also getting used to Ellie's preschool routine -- as soon as we get back from dropping her off (and whatever errands I drag him around to...), he drags ME down to the basement and commands my one-on-one time, which (of course), he has never had before. So, we play mostly with the train set and do puzzles and I desperately try to teach him his colors, but he is still "refusing." I'll say, "nathan, what color is ____?" And he'll just reply, "no." Hmmm - I guess a kid who didn't walk until he was 22 months old is marching to his own drum... he'll learn colors when he's good and ready - maybe when he's 12? :)

It's been a dreary week here in terms of weather -- lots of rain! Our nightly family game of freeze tag (oh, yeah!) has been rained out lately... can't say I've been too bummed out. How do you know you're officially out of shape? When you have trouble keeping up with a four year old! Man, she's quick! It's probably pretty sad when nightly freeze tag is the only exercise we are getting (and it's a pretty good workout, so far!)

Have a good weekend - more later!

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