Saturday, December 20, 2008

The first Omaha snow

I know, I know...Chicago has had a ton of snow already this year. Plenty of shoveling has already occurred there. But, here in Omaha - we experience our first snowfall of any significance this week. On Thusday night, we had the ice / sleet / wintry mix stuff followed by 3 or so inches of snow. I had a few interesting revelations as I watched this "storm" unfold...
1.) Omaha does not believe in using salt on the roads (or they refuse to pay for any). Instead, they come through and pour sand and gravel on top of the snow. What does that do? Absolutely nothing, in my opinion, other than make the snow brown.
2.) Omaha does not much believe in plows, either. This snow occurred 48 hours ago -- and I'm not kidding when I say I have not seen a single plow yet. No kidding. Parking lots are not plowed, our subdivision is not plowed... just packed down snow turned to ice from cars driving on it... with sand dumped on top of it.
3.) I don't know if this happens every time, but most schools in the area were closed for the following day before the first snowflake even fell. It's like this town doesn't know how to deal with snow, and they know it - so the whole place just about shuts down. Even ellie's preschool was closed... she was bummed - it was the day of her holiday program and party. The "chicago girl" in her couldn't understand why they could have school at 10 am when the snow had stopped at 4 am... it was puzzling for us all.
4.) We may need to break down and buy a snowblower -- the three car garage is all fun until you have to shovel that whole wide driveway! (OK, Frank has done most of the shoveling this year -- taking pity on the pregnant lady, I guess.)

Now the snow is done (but the memories of the packed down ice mixed with sand will linger on until May, probably...) and the weather has turned to bitter cold -- below zero for the next few days. ugh.

The kids are still all jacked up for Christmas! It truly is the day that the entire kid year revolves around, and it shows. I think this is the first year that they are BOTH aware of what's a comin' -- very fun...

Have a great week - Merry Christmas!

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